Embattled Queens Strip Club Aces Closes its Doors for Good After State Terminates Liquor License

Dancers at Aces Gentlemen’s Club are hanging up their clear heels now that the troubled jiggle joint has closed down after losing a battle with the State Liquor Authority, authorities said.
The Long Island City pole emporium announced its fate on Instagram as it thanked fans for their patronage.
“The Aces family would like to thank everyone, staff, patrons and management, for one hell of a run,” the message reads. “There will never be another Aces New York.”
Critics of the strip club hope those words prove true.
“It’s a nice success for the community to get this kind of establishment and a source of community unrest shut down, but we have to remain vigilant,” said Sen. Michael Gianaris (D-Queens), who had been trying to get the strip club closed for months. “There are already reports that they are trying to reopen under a pseudonym. They keep trying to change the name, but no one is going to fall for that. We are going to stay on top of shenanigans like that.”
The SLA ordered Aces’ liquor license terminated in April. Under a series of different names, the club accrued massive fines dating back to 2012.
Police sources said that Aces has been closed for several days, ever since a judge refused to order a stay on the SLA’s decision to revoke their liquor license.
While the judge deliberated, club owners went to Community Board 2 in Queens in the hopes of getting a new license under a different name but board members turned them down.
On May 14, 2016, a fight broke out inside the club after a woman poured a drink over a patron’s head about 3:30 a.m., according to cops.
When the fight spilled outside, someone pulled a gun and opened fire into a crowd, striking a customer in the foot, officials said.
A call to Aces was not returned Saturday.