Repairing the Nassau Expressway

The timetable for improvements to state Route 878, also known as the Nassau Expressway, has been moved up six years, to 2019, New York State Department of Transportation Commissioner Matthew Driscoll said.
State Sen. Todd Kaminsky asked Driscoll when Route 878 would be repaired at the hearing, and Driscoll said that thanks to Kaminsky’s advocacy, the DOT is addressing the roadway much sooner than originally scheduled. Initially, it was not slated for improvement until 2025, with a budget of $61 million.
Kaminsky said that complaints about the expressway inundate his office. “As a major emergency evacuation route for tens of thousands of residents, NY878 is one of the most important roads on Long Island, and its overhaul is a much-needed safety upgrade,” he said. “I look forward to hearing specifics on what this project will involve, and will continue to push for the necessary improvements to ensure the safety of my constituents.”
You can find the rest of the story on the Long Island Herald website here.