We Can Win the War on Homelessness

As part of his “War on Homelessness”, Mayor de Blasio announced a highly controversial plan to open 90 new shelters across the city. As the State Senator for a district that is home to multiple shelters, I strongly believe that there is a need to revisit state and city policies on housing and how we utilize federal, state and city resources in a more efficient and humane way to address homelessness. While shelters divide communities, affordable housing enhances and strengthens neighborhoods.
I am proud to have in my district numerous developments built by Neighborhood Preservation Companies (NPCs). These not-for-profit housing development organizations provide quality affordable and supportive housing while respecting the fabric and character of the community. For the last 25 years, before developers “discovered” Brooklyn, NPCs have been the source of revitalization for our communities and have been on the front lines of building homes for low- and middle-income New Yorkers.
To read the entire story, visit http://www.ourtimepress.com/we-can-win-the-war-on-homelessness/
To read my letter to Mayor de Blasio about 1173 Bergen Street and creating a permanent pathway to affordable housing, visit https://www.nysenate.gov/newsroom/articles/velmanette-montgomery/senator-montgomery-urges-mayor-de-blasio-create-pathway
To learn more about my meeting with Carroll Gardens Association's on the importance of NPC funding and the organization's important work in our community, visit https://www.nysenate.gov/newsroom/articles/velmanette-montgomery/members-carroll-gardens-association-meet-senator-montgomery
To read about Carroll Gardens Association's lobbying trip to Albany, visit https://www.nysenate.gov/newsroom/in-the-news/velmanette-montgomery/cga-members-gain-lobbying-skills-firsthand-noah-phillips
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