Dilan Introduces Traffic Safety, Congestion Legislation
State Senators Martin Malavé Dilan (D-Bushwick, East New York, Ocean Hill/Brownsville) and Liz Krueger (D-Manhattan) alongside Assembly member Harvey Epstein (D-Manhattan) announced yesterday the introduction of a bill designed to address congestion and improve bus service while also enhancing public safety. The new bill aims to create a funding source for the expansion of bus lanes and red light cameras across the five boroughs. More at Kings County Politics.
Transportation policy needs to reflect the impact it has on people’s lives. It is as much about public safety, public health and finance, as it is the ability to get from one place to another reliably and safely. A breakdown in any one of its many interconnected parts, echoes through out. If camera’s can calm dangerous intersections, they should be installed. If city transit has a bus revitalization plan, it requires enforcement. If fines can fund transit investments, they should. We need to protect people, and keep them moving, quicker,” said Dilan.