Kaminsky comments on Senator Stewart-Cousins becoming Senate majority leader

Michael Gormley for Newsday

ALBANY — Sen. Andrea Stewart-Cousins is expected to make New York history Monday when she becomes the first woman chosen to lead a majority conference in the State Legislature’s 241-year history.

A closed-door vote in the Democratic conference was planned to choose the majority leader for the 2019-20 session beginning Jan. 1. There were no serious challengers to Stewart-Cousins, 68, of Yonkers, who has been one of the most widely respected figures in Albany for years. She led Democrats to the majority in the November elections after the Senate had been controlled by Republicans for most of the last half-century.

“We will finally give New Yorkers the progressive leadership they have been demanding,” Stewart-Cousins tweeted on election night, where Democrats won more seats than they had projected publicly.....

“........The fear was that it would be a few suburbanites with the backs against the reality is different,” said Sen. Todd Kaminsky (D-Long Beach), the senior majority member of the Long Island delegation.

“I think Long Island is going to be in for a good legislative session and a very productive one,” Kaminsky said in an interview. “I have tremendous confidence in her.”

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