Cumbo, Mosley Host Resource Fair for Summer Internships, Jobs, Camps for Central Brooklyn Youth

The Youth Resource Fair welcomed more than 50 city agencies, nonprofit and cultural organizations to provide participants with seasonal and year-round opportunities for employment and arts programming.
More than 200 elementary, middle school and high school students and parents came together for the Second Annual Summer Youth Resource Fair at the University Settlement Ingersoll Community Center on Saturday. The event aimed to create access to internships, jobs and summer camps for youth residing in Central Brooklyn, was hosted by City Council Majority Leader Laurie A. Cumbo and New York State Assemblyman Walter T. Mosley, in conjunction with community-based partners.
“It is more important than ever to provide our youth with positive outlets of expression, especially when school is out for the summer,” said State Senator Velmanette Montgomery. “We are fortunate to have a number of resources available in our community and I thank them for taking the time to come out and represent at this Youth Resource Fair.”
To read the full article, visit https://www.bkreader.com/2018/03/cumbo-mosley-host-resource-fair-summer-internships-jobs-camps-central-brooklyn-youth/