State grant for immigrant legal services
New York State Senator Jim Gaughran has secured $20,000 in state funding for immigrant legal services through La Fuerza Unida, a non-profit located in Glen Cove. La Fuerza Unida works with individuals during the immigration process providing assistance and support. They are the sole provider located in Glen Cove of free legal services for immigrants. This is the first time that La Fuerza Unida has received state assistance to help fund their critical legal services.
Senator Gaughran represents the Fifth District, which includes the northern portions of the Towns of Huntington and Oyster Bay and the City of Glen Cove.
Senator Jim Gaughran said “La Fuerza Unida is a trusted resource for the Glen Cove community and immigrants across the 5th senate district seeking assistance and legal aid. I thank La Fuerza Unida for the incredible work that they do with providing legal assistance. Their work is essential to supporting families and children and ensuring they know their rights and legal options.”
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