VFW And American Legion Highlight Annual Veterans Day Program

Joseph Wolkin

Originally published in Levittown Tribune

As the clock struck the 11th hour and 11th minute on Nov. 11, Levittowners gathered at Veterans Memorial Park to honor America’s war heroes.

Veterans from each of the military branches came together, surrounded by American flags and the Levittown Fire Department’s bright red trucks in the background. The 45-minute ceremony, led by Councilman Dennis Dunne Sr., was emotional for the crowd of around 200 people, highlighted by a few moments of recognizing the veterans present based on the wars they served in.

John Gonzalez led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance. Seconds later, fire department captain Fred McFarland sang the National Anthem. Thomas Flaherty led the opening prayer prior to moving speeches by Marcinek and Stasinski, as well as town clerk-elect Kate Murray and New York State Senator Kevin Thomas.

To top off the ceremony, Thomas showed his appreciation to the veterans, who he said enabled him to move to America as a child.

“I was an immigrant 10-year-old when I came here,” Thomas said. “Now, I stand before you as a state senator. It wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for the sacrifices all of you have done for me, someone who you did not know.”

Read the full article here.