Turn To Tara: Lawmakers, school leaders respond to crosswalk safety claims
"Students as young as 11 years old recently reached out to News 12 to ask for help about their school crosswalk, which they call 'a literal deathtrap.'
Trent Patane and his friends told News 12 they had nowhere else to turn to about the crosswalk outside the Lakeland Copper Beech Middle School in Yorktown Heights that currently lacks curbs, sidewalks, blinking lights and a crossing guard.
'I almost got hit twice because and no one was there to help us,' said student Vincent Savastano.
Shortly after the story aired, state Sen. Peter Harckham went to inspect the crosswalk.
“You got a blind turn down there, you've got a hill over here - it certainly looks compromised,” he said.
He was joined by Yorktown Town Supervisor Ilan Gilbert."