Gowanus News: Appeal To City Agencies, Comments To DCP, IBZ Roundtables
GOWANUS – Carroll Gardens Coalition For Respectful Development (CG CORD) has requested that Brooklyn Community Board 6 (CB6) coordinate at least two town hall meetings with NYC agencies about the Gowanus rezoning. The group has also started an online petition.
The meetings would allow community members to ask questions of specific agency officials so they can determine whether “the City has the means, the resources and the will to TRULY plan for the impact of about 8,200 new housing units and an estimated 19,000 new residents,” the petition reads. The meetings must take place in advance of the ULURP (Uniform Land Use Review Procedure) to give the community and CB6 members the chance to fully understand and “assess all of the potential consequences of this rezoning.”
Senator Velmanette Montgomery‘s comments were brief and to the point, stating “This proposed rezoning is putting the cart before the horse,” in reference to developing the area—and adding 18,000+ residents—before completing the Gowanus Canal Superfund remediation. Montgomery insists that the “rezoning must be put on hold until a genuine environmental cleanup can take place.”
To read the full story, visit https://bklyner.com/gowanus-news-appeal-to-city-agencies-comments-to-dcp-ibz-roundtables/