New York Cricket: Lawmakers press ahead to make game part of State’s cosmopolitan landscape

New York Senator Kevin Thomas, the only Indian-American elected to date to the state Senate, posing with a cricket bat testing out the newly-opened Cricket Pitch in Nassau County’s Eisenhower Park in September 2019. (Photo: courtesy Sen. Kevin Thomas)
Two New York State lawmakers including Indian-American Senator Kevin Thomas, are sponsoring a bill to promote the game of cricket state-wide. The bill is being considered by the NY State Assembly July 20, 2020, after months of work with cricket enthusiasts in the Indian-American community.
Sen. Thomas of Nassau County, the only Indian-American elected to Albany to date, and Assemblywoman Nily Rozic of Queens are working to pass new legislation to promote and grow the game through Senate bill S7764 and Assembly bill A9823-A). The bill they are sponsoring would include cricket in the New York State Athletic Commission (NYSAC) list.
In an interview with Desi Talk, Sen. Thomas said his office has been trying to push forward more bills that affect the fastest growing demographic group in the New York State.
“As the second-most popular sport in the world, cricket brings with it a massive audience and economic development opportunities, and many communities across New York are already embracing cricket,” Thomas noted.
Read the full story on newsindiatimes.com.