Customers Fume Over PSEG Long Island’s Response To Tropical Storm Isaias In Day-Long Hearing
PSEG Long Island’s response to Tropical Storm Isaias once again drew scrutiny and criticism on Long Island.
As CBS2’s Jennifer McLogan reports, Virginia Connors, 92, is demanding the state hold PSEG Long Island accountable for its response to the storm.
“They’re terrible. We pay them enough money. I thought they were a good company at one time,” she said.
She was without power for seven days. She lives alone, and still has no TV, internet or cell service.
“No contact with anybody,” she said.
Top PSEG Long Island brass were under fire again Thursday in a day-long virtual interrogation with state lawmakers.
“You could not get in touch with them. When they got in touch with you, it was inaccurate information,” said St. Sen. Todd Kaminsky. “There were people who had life saving medical equipment who couldn’t get power turned back on for days. And now they are making people jump through hoops to get reimbursements.”
Ratepayers must show proof they were out at least 72 hours, and have itemized receipts and/or photographic proof of spoiled foods. The top payout is just $250.
“The receipts were not kept. Obviously we never expected a power outage,” said Syosset homeowner Lori Green.
When the fridge finally came back on, the Greens experienced a power surge, and appliances sparked.
“It blew out our dryer, so forget the $250. I’m out $1,000 to buy a new dryer,” said Russell Green.
“I don’t think anybody really takes pictures of their spoiled food,” said Kacey Green.
“The utility goes ahead and pisses off more people. This is public policy 101 in how not to build good faith with the public,” said Nassau County Legislator Joshua Lafazan.
Lafazan had to rent a gas-powered generator and sleep in his car for a week.
Earlier, the president of PSEG Long Island said he acknowledges frustrations and mistakes.
“We have made interim changes with our systems. We’re monitoring the systems. We have back up processes in place so that we will be ready for the next storm,” said PSEG Long Island President Daniel Eichhorn.
More than 420,000 homes on Long Island lost power. The protests are also sparking a torrent of local and state investigations.