Simcha Felder pushes helmets and licenses for bikes and scooters

A Brooklyn lawmaker is throwing down the gauntlet for anyone who rides around the city on two wheels — proposing that everyone including little kids carry a license and that all of their rides have registered plates.
State Sen. Simcha Felder (D-Brooklyn) will introduce a total of four new bills later this week to require all city cyclists, bikers and e-scooter rides wear a helmet, take a safety pre-licensing course and slap plates on their vehicles.
“The other day I was driving to work and I almost killed a cyclist who came out of nowhere and cut me off. I was so shaken by the experience that I said, enough is enough,” Felder said via a spokesperson.
“The streets of NYC have become the wild, wild west. The de Blasio administration has allowed a growing number of completely unregulated bicycles, e-bikes, electric scooters and dirt bikes/ATV’s on our city streets.”