Pols target NYC's violent, repeat shoplifters with bill to protect retailer workers just like cops, firefighters
The Big Apple’s shoplifting epidemic has sparked new moves in Albany aimed at clamping down on violent and unrepentant thieves, The Post has learned.
Another bill introduced on Feb. 8 would elevate the crime of petit larceny from a misdemeanor to a felony if it’s committed within two years of a previous conviction.
The proposal by state Sen. Kevin Thomas (D-Long Island) and Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz (D-The Bronx) would increase the maximum punishment to 1-1/3 to four years in prison for a first-time felon, up from one year in jail.
A similar provision already applies to driving while intoxicated, with second offenders facing felony charges if they’re caught wasted behind the wheel within 10 years of their first conviction.
Both moves were demanded recently by Collective Action to Protect our Stores, a group that represents nearly 4,000 independent grocers, The Post reported at the time.
Read the full article here.