Senator Cordell Cleare Clean Slate Panel And NYCHA Housing Symposium

Harlem World Magazine

Originally published in Harlem World Magazine on .
Photo of Sen. Cleare

Senator Cordell Cleare will be hosting a Clean Slate Panel & Free Clinic at Harlem’s City College, on November 16th, 2024.The day-long event will feature a panel, presentations, and service organizations that can review Clean Slate eligibility right on the spot.  

Panelists: Senator Cleare, Senator Zellnor Myrie, D.A. Alvin Bragg, Assemblyman Eddie Gibbs,  and Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, to discuss the importance of the Clean Slate Act and its social, and economic benefits.

The organizations tabling include The Community Service Society, the Office of the Comptroller, National Urban League, PA’LANTE HARLEM, CUNY, Fordham University, and other community partners assisting with housing, financial, legal issues, and more.

 “By late 2024," Senator Cordell Cleare said, "New York will implement the Clean Slate Act, allowing individuals with criminal records to have them sealed after a set period. This act promotes reintegration, enhancing social, economic, and professional opportunities.”