An end without agony

Staten Island: Re “Physician assisted suicide is not a good answer” (op-ed, April 7): It’s fine that Cardinal Timothy Dolan opposes medical aid in dying, but that view doesn’t represent all or even most of the Catholic Church parishioners, including me. This option is overwhelmingly supported by most New Yorkers, from all different faiths.
Before Ayla Eilert died in agony from metastatic tongue cancer, her parents said she pleaded: “Please help me die.” In contrast, Nancy Murphy’s sister, Joan Kline, utilized Vermont’s medical-aid-in-dying law to die peacefully from ovarian cancer. “That loving, beautiful, peaceful, and chosen transition allowed us to bond with Joan and she with us in a way that is beyond description,” said Nancy. That’s why I proudly co-sponsor this compassionate legislation. state Sen. Jessica Scarcella-Spanton.