N.Y. law would require stolen cell phones to be disabled

Paul Liotta

Originally published in Staten Island Advance on .

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. —A piece of New York legislation requiring providers disable stolen cell phones passed the State Assembly Friday.

State Sen. Jessica Scarcella-Spanton (D-North Shore/Southern Brooklyn), who is sponsoring the legislation, said she hopes the bill will limit the resale market for stolen cell phones.

“I’m proud to carry this legislation in the Senate with the support of the DEA in honor of Detective Simonsen. The NYPD put their lives on the line every day to protect and serve. Far too often, our officers have made the ultimate sacrifice to safeguard our city, as criminals repeatedly endanger people for profit, whether by robbing innocent retail workers or individuals on the street,” she said. “I am happy to see it pass the Assembly and that it has passed committee and will be heading to the floor to be voted on in the Senate as well.”

Read the full article here.