NYC homeowners dealing with squatters may have new options thanks to this bill in the New York State Budget

Hannah Kliger

Originally published in CBS News on .

NEW YORK - A new piece of legislation passed in the New York State Budget clarifies the distinction between squatters and tenants, offering new options for homeowners dealing with squatters.

It was proposed by State Sen. Jessica Scarcella-Spanton, a Democrat who represents Southern Brooklyn and Staten Island.

"I thought it was irresponsible to pass any housing policy without addressing this issue," she says.

The legislation essentially clarifies a legal distinction between squatters and tenants.

"This will give homeowners their homes back, and give our District Attorney the ability to charge squatters with burglary," she adds.

Spanton's office says she introduced a more comprehensive bill in the Senate last month that adds squatting to the definition of criminal trespass. That bill is still being reviewed.

"If they're willing to occupy a place illegally, you can only imagine what's going on behind closed doors," Spanton says.

Read the full article here.