Op-Ed: Clean Slate Benefits Economy, Public Safety

The results of the recent elections make clear that New Yorkers are very anxious about their economic security and public safety. For many, the rising costs of housing, childcare and other basic necessities put stability out of reach. Financial strain, in turn, can contribute to increased criminal activity and mental health issues that make everyone feel less safe.
The Clean Slate Act– signed last year and taking effect today– is a smart and practical response to both of these concerns. Clean Slate will expand opportunity for approximately 2.3 million New Yorkers who, long after serving time for past crimes, face huge barriers to employment, housing, and stability for their families and communities.
Clean Slate creates an automatic process to seal certain conviction histories, excluding serious felonies and sex offenses. The new law will only apply to those who have served their full sentence and remained out of trouble for at least three years (for misdemeanors) and up to eight years (for more serious offenses). Records under seal will always remain visible to police, prosecutors and judges, and to employers considering applicants for sensitive jobs working with children, the elderly and people with disabilities. And the timeline for sealing records will be reset for anyone who reoffends, ensuring this law will only apply to New Yorkers who have made a sustained commitment to staying out of trouble with the law.
Clean Slate doesn’t just help those who have served their time and remained conviction-free– it’s a victory for New York. When we remove barriers to economic participation, we create a fairer, stronger, and more inclusive state. Statewide, keeping people out of the job market costs up to $12.6 billion in lost wages each year. Sealing records will also help bridge the racial wealth gap and unlock billions in economic potential.
Businesses stand to gain, too. Clean Slate will expand the labor pool, giving employers access to a motivated workforce. These new employees will boost New York’s tax base, supporting public services we all depend on, while helping build the economic fabric of their neighborhoods. They’ll spend their paychecks locally—on dinners out, trips to the movies, days at the park with their kids—fueling the economy and creating a more vibrant community for all of us.