"patriot Plan Iii" Becomes Law
William J. Larkin Jr.
August 15, 2005
New York State has a new law called the Patriot Plan III that will provide the most comprehensive benefits package in the nation for military personnel and their families.
"When those who are fighting for freedom abroad make the ultimate sacrifice, it is our responsibility to make sure that their family members are not devastated by complete financial loss as well," said Senator Larkin. "This new law will protect these families and allow our servicemen and women to go away knowing that there are securities in place should the worst happen."
Until Patriot Plan III became law, there was no provision in law that provided health insurance coverage or death benefits to the survivors of an eligible public employee who is killed while on active duty in the military. Further, there was no provision of law that provides for the payment of life insurance premiums for members of the organized militia.
Highlights of Patriot Plan III include:
• Provide the survivors of eligible public employees who give their life while on active duty in the Armed Forces with the same death benefits that their survivors would be entitled if the public employee made the ultimate sacrifice while working as a public employee.
• Provide the survivors of eligible public employees who pass away while on active duty in the Armed Forces with the same health insurance benefits to which such survivors would be entitled if the public employee was killed while working as a public employee.
• Reimburse premium payments sufficient to assume the costs for $250,000 worth of service member’s general life insurance for members of the New York State organized militia during periods of non-training active service.
• Provide for a new "War on Terror" license plate that shall be issued, upon request, to veterans of the Persian Gulf or Afghanistan conflicts.