Saying Thank You On Veterans' Day
William J. Larkin Jr.
November 3, 2005
On Veterans Day, Americans should pause and reflect on the sacrifices made by our veterans. All who served need to be given proper praise for a job well done. Our veterans have faced unbelievable hardships and some have faced death in defending our nation’s freedom. They possess the core American values of loyalty, duty, respect, honor, selfless service, personal courage and integrity.
In today’s world, our nation does not need to be in a declared war for our military to be serving at great risk or hardship. Today in Afghanistan and Iraq our soldiers are in harm’s way 24 hours a day. Also, our forces are not all active duty personnel. Now, more than ever before, the Reserves and National Guard are being deployed. These citizen soldiers also need all the support our communities can provide, not only to the soldier, but to their family members at home as well.
Veterans Day is the time we recall the courageous legacy of soldiers who fought in our nation’s wars, from the War of Independence to Operation Iraqi Freedom. Today our soldiers are carrying on a legacy of valor and service that soldiers before them established throughout our nation’s history. We cherish and honor both our older veterans and now our active duty soldiers. We remember that they are the American heroes who answered the nation’s call, doing the hard work of preserving the peace and freedom all Americans enjoy, and bringing hope and justice to people throughout the world.
We all lead busy lives and so it is natural to overlook the meaning of the service of our veterans. They’ve done their job so well that our nation feels safe and secure from a very dangerous world. Veterans deserve to know that we appreciate their service. We must let them know that we truly believe America is better because of their service and sacrifice. Take the time to thank a veteran, not just on Veterans’ Day, but any day that you get the chance to meet a veteran. Whatever achievements our nation has attained, we owe to the men and women who have stood guard at the front lines of this great country. God Bless our veterans and God Bless America.