Klein Appointed To Powerful Senate Finance Committee
Jeffrey D. Klein
March 6, 2006

Bronx while ensuring funding for a number of local priorities. “This important appointment gives me an even greater platform to fight for my constituents in Albany and will allow me to be even more effective at bringing our tax dollars back home to be put to use right here in the community,” Klein said.
New York's taxpayers and demonstrates a depth of knowledge on budget-related issues. He will be a welcome addition to the Finance Committee.”
Klein, now serving his 12th year in the Legislature, has long been a leader on tax policy issues. As an Assemblyman, Klein authored numerous laws that directly impact the state's financial health, including landmark legislation to reduce cigarette tax evasion, while securing millions in state funding for his constituents.
In the Senate, Klein has continued to be an outspoken leader in the effort to reform and improve the transparency of New York's budget process, making his proposal to conduct public hearings on the budget in each of New York's 62 counties the first legislation he introduced as a new State Senator.