Klein Outraged By Anti-semitic Vandalism At Pelham Parkway Jewish Center

Jeffrey D. Klein

February 22, 2006

“I am outraged and appalled at this latest incident at Pelham Parkway Jewish Center. This is a crime which affects our entire community, and to deface this building is a crime against all individuals who seek to practice religion freely. Anti-Semitic bigotry has no place in any community and I will not stand idly by as our religious houses of worship and community centers are defaced by criminals and bigots. I urge the District Attorney to see that this outrageous crime is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and will continue my work in the Legislature to see that penalties for theft or vandalism to a house of worship are strengthened.”

Bronx synagogues spray painted with swastikas and other hate messages. As in the past, the graffiti will be removed by Senator Klein’s Graffiti Removal Program as soon as NYPD has completed their investigation. Klein, a member of the New York Regional Board of the Anti-Defamation League, recently introduced legislation that would make theft from or vandalism to a house of worship, such as this one, a Class E felony, carrying up to a 1 ¾ to 4 year prison sentence.