Senator Klein Urges Participation In Annual Mammography Campaign
Jeffrey D. Klein
May 14, 2006

State Senator Jeff Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester) today announced that the Adelphi New York Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline and Support Program is conducting its annual campaign to encourage women to get mammograms.
"This outreach project encouraging women to get mammograms has proven to be a great success, but more needs to be done," Senator Klein said. "Valuable and possibly life-saving information is available by simply making a telephone call."
The Hotline and Support Program serves almost 500,000 people each year through their hotline, web site, counseling services, education programs, and outreach projects. It has been in existence since 1980, and is funded by the New York State Legislature, the NYS Department of Health, grants and contributions.
In addition to providing general information on mammogram testing and the location of accredited mammogram facilities, callers can also get emotional support from the hotline’s specially trained volunteers, who have first hand knowledge of breast cancer issues.
"This is a wonderful and informative service, and it’s free," the Bronx/Westchester lawmaker stated. "I urge my constituents to utilize this valuable program. Help is just a phone call away."
For further information call the Adelphi New York Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline at (800)-877-8077. You can also access information on their web site at www.adelphi.edu/nysbreastcancer/.