Dmv Repeals Its Cumbersome New Inspection Sticker Policy
William J. Larkin Jr.
February 15, 2006
This week, Senator Bill Larkin reports to residents that the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has withdrawn its new policy regarding the expiration of inspection stickers.
The confusing new policy, which went into effect in January, would have made inspection stickers expire in the first, second or third portion of the month in the year following inspection, depending on the date of issuance.
"Unfortunately, all this new plan did was make the inspection process more inconvenient for the driving public," said Senator Larkin. "The last thing we need in our daily lives is more red tape. I credit DMV for listening to our protests, admitting this was not the most efficient policy, and quickly repealing it."
Anyone who received a new inspection sticker within the last six weeks that has beginning, middle, or end of the month inspection times now can wait until the end of the month (as has always been the case) to get their vehicles inspected.
In summary, the motor vehicle inspection process will remain the way it has always been and allow drivers to renew their inspections any time during the month their inspections are up.