Larkin Agriculture Bills Pass Senate
William J. Larkin Jr.
June 21, 2006
Senator Bill Larkin (R-C, Cornwall-on-Hudson) today announced that several bills he sponsored to assist the state’s farmers have passed the Senate.
"This legislation is specifically designed to help the small family farm," said Senator Larkin. "I am pleased that the bills were passed by the Senate. They will most definitely benefit our local growers who are working so hard to make a living at farming."
Senate bill 447 (Larkin) extends the eligibility of the farmer's school tax credit program to include agricultural lands that are leased for at least a five-year period.
Senate bill 853-A (Larkin) authorizes industrial development agencies (IDAs) to provide technical and financial assistance to agricultural producers who grow, harvest or produce agricultural products in New York State.
Senate bill 6009 (Larkin) authorizes the Department of Agriculture and Markets to provide assistance to community based organizations seeking to purchase New York farm products. In addition, it authorizes the Hudson Valley Agricultural Advisory Council to comment on proposals to increase the profitability of farming and to preserve viable agricultural open spaces. Further, it grants to grape growers a 75 percent income tax credit for costs associated with purchasing grape plant material to establish new vineyards or to replant old ones.
Senate bill 6321-A (Larkin) establishes an interagency task force that will develop policies designed to mitigate the crop damage caused by white-tail deer in the Hudson Valley.
Senate bill 6693-B (Larkin) gives an incentive to life insurance companies that invest in the agricultural industry. The bill grants life insurers that lend money to fruit farmers a 30 % deduction on the interest they earn on their income taxes.
Senate bill 6694 (Larkin) grants an income tax deduction to fruit growers or other land owners who sell orchards, vineyards, and other fruit producing lands to other farmers who plan to keep that acreage in production.
Senate bill 7224-A (Larkin) allows farmers to obtain a waiver if, for certain reasons, they miss the filing deadline for an agricultural real property tax exemption.
Senate bill 7600-C (Larkin) authorizes certain distillers to sell liquor at retail for off-premises consumption and to also conduct tastings of their products.