Larkin Supports Localities In Collection Of Unpaid Taxes
William J. Larkin Jr.
May 9, 2006
The State Senate has passed legislation (S.854) sponsored by Senator Bill Larkin (R-C, Cornwall-on-Hudson) that would give local governments new ways to collect and dispose of delinquent real property tax liens.
Currently, municipalities have very limited means of expediting the collection of delinquent taxes. These uncollected taxes seriously impact the municipalities' ability to meet their operating expenses and provide for the delivery of critical local services. They can also create the risk of future real property tax increases.
One key piece of the Larkin bill would authorize the sale of some or of all delinquent tax liens owned by the taxing jurisdiction to private entities. This will enable municipalities to quickly raise revenue and create new funding sources.
"Many municipalities throughout the state are owed millions of dollars annually in unpaid property taxes," said Senator Larkin. "It is in the public’s best interest if these local governments are given the opportunity to utilize as many procedural methods as possible to collect unpaid taxes. This way, the municipalities can still provide essential services such as fire, police and other emergency response teams, and also avoid increasing rates on the hardworking people who are already paying their taxes."