Senate Passes Legislation To Expand Dna Database
William J. Larkin Jr.
June 21, 2006
Senator Bill Larkin (R-C, Cornwall-on-Hudson) today announced the New York State Senate has passed legislation (S.8446) that would expand the DNA database by including DNA samples from criminals convicted of all felonies and the most common misdemeanors. The bill represents an agreement with the Assembly.
"By expanding the DNA database with samples from more convicted criminals, we can take full advantage of the latest in crime-fighting technology and make it work to better protect innocent people," said Senator Larkin. "It will help police agencies, prosecutors, judges, and other law enforcement officials throughout the state to solve tough cases and put dangerous criminals, particularly violent sex offenders, behind bars."
The agreement on the DNA databank would triple the size of existing database by including DNA samples from criminals convicted of all felonies and 18 common misdemeanors including:
Menacing in the 2nd and 3rd degrees
Reckless endangerment in the 2nd degree
Petit larceny
Stalking in the 3rd and 4th degrees
Unlawful imprisonment in the 2nd degree
Criminal trespass in the 2nd degree
Possession of burglars tools
Sexual abuse in the 3rd degree
Forcible touching
Endangering the welfare of a child
Endangering the welfare of an incompetent or physically disabled person
The bill was sent to the Assembly.