Senator Larkin Calls All Volunteers
William J. Larkin Jr.
October 23, 2006
Senator Bill Larkin (R-C, Cornwall-on-Hudson) today announced that the Institute for Nonprofit Leadership and Management at SUNY Orange is hosting a Volunteer Fair.
It will take place at the Galleria Mall at Crystal Run in Middletown, New York on
October 11, 2006 from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
"If you have ever said to yourself, ‘One day I’d really like to do some volunteer work,’ then why not let this be the time to put those good intentions into action?" said Senator Larkin. "I am continually amazed by the people who give so generously of themselves to make a difference in someone’s life. SUNY Orange has put together a wonderful event to show people how they can begin, and I encourage anyone who has been thinking about volunteering for one of the many worthy organizations in our area to come to the Volunteer Fair and see what moves them."
Over 40 community service organizations from the Mid-Hudson Valley will have a booth with representatives who will spotlight their organization’s focus areas, and present what kind of assistance they need from those interested in volunteering.
This is a convenient way for people in the general public to receive information about how they can become involved. They can meet a variety of community service agencies such as literacy programs, historical societies, local museums, children’s programs and much more.
The event is sponsored by the Institute for Nonprofit Leadership and Management at SUNY Orange. This institute supports nonprofit organizations in the Mid-Hudson Valley to become more successful in reaching their goals.
For more information, contact Sandra Röding, Coordinator at the Institute for Nonprofit Leadership and Management at SUNY Orange, at 341-4874 or email, sroding@sunyorange.edu.