Senator Larkin To Chair Budget Sub-committee On Taxes / Economic Development
William J. Larkin Jr.
January 22, 2006
Senator Bill Larkin (R-C, Cornwall-on-Hudson) has been named by Senate Majority Leader Joseph L. Bruno to chair the 2006 Budget Sub-Committee on Taxes and Economic Development.
As Chairman, Larkin will head up state budget issues affecting economic development, the Urban Development Corporation, and Racing & Wagering.
Senator Larkin was also appointed by Senator Bruno to serve on the Senate Budget Sub-Committee on Health.
"We will be performing an intense scrutiny of the Governor’s Executive Budget over the upcoming days," said Senator Larkin.
Final reports will be completed during the weeks of February 13th and 20th. Presentation of sub-committee reports will begin on February 27th and conclude by March 1st.