Senator Larkin Secures Funding For Mile Hill Road, Town Of Lloyd
William J. Larkin Jr.
October 22, 2006
Senator Bill Larkin (R-C, Cornwall-on-Hudson) this week presented Town of Lloyd officials with an $80,000 check from the state to be put toward the repairs of Mile Hill Road.
"I am pleased to have been able to advocate in Albany for this funding," said Senator Larkin. "The damage to Mile Hill Road caused by Tropical Storm Tammy in 2005 was devastating. The Town of Lloyd did a fantastic job repairing the road within two weeks, but in the process, depleted its emergency budget. This grant will help replace those critical funds."
Tropical Storm Tammy on October 5, 2005 brought high winds and severe rains that caused uphill embankment failure that resulted in fallen trees on high voltage power lines between stream and Mile Hill Road. The storm washed out a 200-foot section of Mile Hill Road.
Mile Hill Road contains the raw water main from the Hudson River to the Town’s water treatment plant on Illinois Mountain. The roadway also contains a high pressure gas main and a treated water main.
The grant secured by Senator Larkin will be delivered directly into the Town of Lloyd budget.