Klein and Sally Regenhard Discuss Skyscraper Safety on WVOX
Jeffrey D. Klein
September 16, 2007
- Military Affairs

NEW ROCHELLE, NY-Every other Friday Senator Klein hosts a radio show on New Rochelle's own WVOX. The show packs a punch in a mere hour, featuring local elected officials and national experts on a variety of subjects. This past Friday Senator Klein sat down with Assemblyman George Latimer to catch-up on the summer and examine some of the hot issues on the docket for the 2008 legislative session.
In addition, the Senator had the pleasure of speaking with Ms. Sally Regenhard, the Chair of the Skyscraper Safety Campaign, a watch-dog group which has been instrumental in pushing for greater accountability regarding the protocol and procedures surrounding major catastrophes. After loosing her son Christian in the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001, Ms. Regenhard dedicated herself to analyzing and improving saftey proceedings for large buildings. Together with noted experts and other family members of victims of 9/11, Ms. Regenhard has acted as a siren in the storm that has been the six year aftermath of the terrorist attacks. A long time friend of the Senator's from when Klein authored legislation which eventually became law to better protect New York State water supply facilities from sabotage, Ms. Regenhard discussed the recent failures at the former Deutsche Bank building. Ms. Regenhard also expressed her support for terror free investing, an issue that the Senator has been particularly adament about after finding that $75 billion of the $140 billion New York State pension fund is invested in companies that have ties to terror sponsoring states.
Tune in to WVOX at 1560 on the AM dial from 12-1pm,on September 28th for another hour of interesting conversation and express your opinions to your Senator by calling in at 914-636-0110.