Klein Says: Grannis Good For Green
Jeffrey D. Klein
March 18, 2007

Senator Jeff Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester) expressed his avid support for Assemblyman Pete Grannis’ nomination to serve as Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Conservation, taking note of his exemplary record on environmental issues including a profound commitment to public health:
“Pete Grannis’ unflinching dedication to the environment is without par. His proven leadership, understanding of the issues, and independent spirit, make him a superior candidate for Commissioner.” Senator Klein said.
Grannis has championed environmental issues throughout his tenure in the legislature. He was a leader in the fight for SEQRA, the original bottle bill, and the clean-up and revitalization of the state's brownfields. Grannis has also played a key role in the enactment of a wide range of environmental legislation, including measures related to acid rain, clean air and water, fluorocarbons and recycling. He chaired the Assembly's first Subcommittee on Toxic Wastes, sponsored legislation ensuring a worker's right to know about hazardous materials in the work place and has worked to regulate the transport, storage and disposal of toxic wastes. Grannis authored the state's rapid transit noise code and has been at the forefront of the fight to have the MTA convert its polluting diesel bus fleet to clean fuels.
A nationally recognized leader in the fight to curb the health hazards posed by smoking, Grannis authored New York's 1989 Clean Indoor Air Act (CIAA) and amendments adopted in 2003 to protect all working men and women from deadly secondhand smoke. His legislative efforts to curb smoking, including the historic CIAA and the Adolescent Tobacco Use Prevention Act have received global recognition. Grannis’ work has been hailed by numerous public health organizations including the American Cancer Society and the New York State Association of County Health Officials.
Assemblyman Grannis is a three-time winner of the Legislator of the Year award from the Environmental Planning Lobby and was accorded similar honors by the Audubon Society, the Environmental Action Coalition and Environmental Advocates. He also received the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Public Service Award in recognition of his efforts in promoting the humane treatment of animals.