Memorial Day Bbq
Jeffrey D. Klein
May 28, 2007

TUCKAHOE, NY-Senator Jeff Klein (D-Westchester/Bronx), joined by the Eastchester Veterans and the community, paid homage to the service of our troops, past and present, with a celebratory BBQ at Joe's Quarry Inn. After the Eastchester Memorial Day Parade, famished hordes headed over to Joe's for a casual buffet of burgers, hot dogs, and other refreshments. A long time supporter of veterans organizations, Klein routinely sponsors events for our nation's servicemen.
"We can never repay our veterans for their sacrifice, but we can honor their heroism at every opportunity. We must remember that the freedoms we enjoy today are not free, but represent the repeated struggle for the founding principles of our great nation: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.Itis truly an honor, as a public servant to recognizethe brave men and women who keep our country great," said Klein.