Pelham Seniors Prepare To Party At Senator Klein's Senior Appreciation Days!
Jeffrey D. Klein
September 9, 2007

PELHAM, NY-A bevy of happy seniors stepped up briskly as Senator Klein announced the winners of his Senior Appreciation Days Raffle. The appearance at the Pelham Senior Center was just one in a series of visits that Senator Kleinis conductingthroughout the district, drawing hundreds of names from a list of overtwo thousand hopeful entrants fora chance to enjoy an all expenses paid afternoon at the Westchester Broadway Dinner Theatre, along with a three course hot lunch, and a very special senior resource fair. 1000 lucky winners will be selected to join Senator Klein for a private viewing of the Broadway smash hit, Little Shop of Horrors on September 26th and 27th.
This year the Senator is especially pleased to offer a newtwiston hisAnnualSenior Day, which inthe 12 years past has entailed a brown bag lunch at the New York Botanical Garden.
"I wanted to offer my constiuents a taste of one of the great recreationalresources in our state, an institution which generations of New Yorkers have enjoyed: the Westchester Broadway Dinner Theatre. There are so many wonderful things to do in Bronx and Westchester Counties that we don't always have the time to get to in the normal course of our lives. My 13th Annual Senior Appreciation Days is a great way to do something special for a community of people for whom we can not do enough: our seniors," said Senator Klein.
The raffle was open to all residents of the 34th senate district over the age of 65.