Get Back To Work!
Malcolm A. Smith
October 9, 2007
New York — New York State Senate Democratic Leader Malcolm A. Smith will be joined by advocacy groups in announcing a 'Get Back to Work' campaign calling on legislative leaders and the Governor to put aside their political differences and get back to work on important legislation pending in Albany. The press conference will kick-off a statewide tour by Smith and Senate Democrats to get the people of the State more involved in voicing their concerns to the governor and other legislative leaders about Albany's inaction.
WHAT: Senate Democrats to announce the "Get Back to Work" Campaign.
WHO: Senate Democratic Leader Malcolm A. Smith, Stuart Appelbaum, President Retail, Wholesale, & Department Store Union/UFCW, Bertha Lewis, ACORN, Pamela Bennett, Citizen Action of New York.
WHEN: Thursday, October 11, 2007 at 1:30 PM
WHERE: City Hall Steps, New York, rain or shine
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