Larkin Supports Measure To Increase Bounced Check Charge
William J. Larkin Jr.
February 1, 2007
Senator Bill Larkin (R-C, Cornwall-on-Hudson) is cosponsoring legislation in the State Senate to increase the charge of bouncing a check from $20 to $30.
Current law limits the amount which can be charged by the holder of a dishonored check for a consumer transaction to twenty dollars.
"The twenty dollar charge for a bounced check was set in 1991," said Senator Larkin. "In most cases, someone who has been given a bad check doesn’t know this has happened until he or she tries to cash or deposit it. When the check is subsequently dishonored, the holder is then subject to additional fees from the bank. Many times, these additional fees for depositing an invalid check are now over and above the twenty dollar limit. Therefore, not only is the person out the original money owed from the check, but he or she is also stuck with the charges from the bank. By increasing the limit to $30, this bill will bring the amount which can be charged by the holder of a dishonored check more in line with today's costs."