Senator Padavan Delivers Record State Education Aid for NYC Schools

Frank Padavan

April 8, 2008

New York State Senator Frank Padavan (Queens) announced today that the State Legislature has adopted the 2008-2009 State Budget. Padavan noted that the final state budget includes a record $644 million increase in state education aid from last year’s state budget for New York City schools.  All totaled the 2008-09 State Budget invests a record $8.2 billion in education aid for schools throughout the five boroughs.
 “A promise made is a promise kept with the fourth consecutive record increase in education aid for New York City schools,” Padavan said. “This increase is a major victory for our City’s schools, students, parents, teachers and the entire educational community.  This aid is vital for our on-going efforts to ensure that our children in the City have the best education possible and will help them excel in the classroom. With another historic investment in New York City’s schools we are once again showing that our commitment to our children’s future is stronger than ever.”

The 2008-09 State Budget invests more than $21 billion in total education aid on a fair and equitable basis statewide. The state education aid package represents an increase of $1.8 billion from the 2007-08 State Budget. New York City schools will receive over 38 percent of the total increase in education funds in the 2008-09 State Budget.  

 “Year after year, we are making the necessary and smart investments in the future of our students throughout the City of New York,” Padavan said. “This fair and equitable funding is important to better prepare our students not only for college, but it will be instrumental in preparing them for the new global economy. I am proud that we are able to continue the remarkable success of the past few years in delivering for New York City students.”

  “While faced with tough economic challenges, we still maintained the commitment in investing in our children’s education. This budget builds upon years of hard work and dedication on behalf of the children of New York City and keeps us heading in the right direction,” Padavan said.

 Padavan also noted that the 2008-09 State Budget continues to help fund the $13.1 billion capital plan for New York City schools. The five-year plan will result in 66,000 new classroom seats with an additional 10,000 seats being added from renovating administration space to classroom space. “We are well on our way toward achieving more modernized and smaller classrooms in our schools through maintaining the commitment in the 2008-09 State Budget to the five-year capital plan. When you couple the record increase in education aid with the progress of the capital plan it is crystal clear that the education of children throughout the City is an unwavering priority for me and the entire state Legislature,” Padavan said.