Senator Marty Golden Comes Out Against MTA Approval Of Budget

Martin J. Golden

December 17, 2008

Brooklyn- State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C, Brooklyn) is strongly criticizing the Metropolitan Transportation Authority board vote yesterday that will approve the proposed "doomsday budget." This budget would involve significant cuts to both local and express bus service in Senator Golden’s district, where he has spearheaded petition drives, and has made plans to meet with MTA officials to push for a reconsideration of these cuts.

The budget would include the elimination of weekend service on the X27/X28 express bus line. Senator Golden stated, "We as a community in Southwest Brooklyn fought to get weekend express bus service here over 5 years ago and the service has been on the MTA’s chopping block during budget discussions ever since then. The X27/X28 line is a valuable alternative to subways and automobiles for those who work on the weekends, shop in the City, and especially for seniors and the disabled, who cannot utilize our trains as easily as others. I have fought successfully to keep this service in the past, and I vow to fight proposed cuts to our weekend express bus service again."

Local buses in Golden’s district will also be dramatically affected if the new MTA budget is approved. The B37, which runs along 3rd Avenue in Bay Ridge, is slated to be cut completely. Weekend service on the B4 and B16, as well overnight service on the B64 will also be lost if the budget is approved. Additionally, the MTA plan would cut bus service on the B31after midnight and weekend service on the B2 line, both of which serve the community of Gerritsen Beach.

Senator Golden stated, "From Bay Ridge to Gerritsen Beach, riders will be affected by the MTA’s plan to cut bus service. It is imperative that we come together here in South Brooklyn to ensure that we continue to receive the service we deserve from the MTA. The proposed reduction of service will negatively affect the local Brooklyn economy as well as the quality of life of residents here. As I meet with MTA officials, I want to be sure that the voices of residents are heard in this discussion. I encourage all who will be affected by these cuts to sign the petitions I have circulating throughout my District," said Golden.

The MTA vote yesterday authorized a series of public hearings on the proposed budget. Golden plans to use that opportunity to further voice his opposition to the cuts. Golden continued, "I hope that these public hearings have the effect of moving the MTA to reconsider some of the cuts. We as a community cannot, and will not, accept service cuts and possible fare hikes laying down. All that can be done must be done to keep suitable transportation oportunites in South Brooklyn. I assure those who live in my District that I will do my part to that end."

Petitions against the cuts to local and express bus service can be found by clicking here, or can be requested at either of his district offices at (718) 238-6044 or (718) 238-6170.