SENIORNET OF SI, INC. Offering Summer Classes for Seniors 50 Plus
Andrew J Lanza
July 16, 2009
Fill Empty Hours One Day a Week and Catch up with Your Children & Grandchildren.
There is room in some of the classes planned for the summer. Introduction to Computers (Intro I), continuing into more advanced use of Computers (Intro II), roaming with the Internet and finally using the Computer together with your Digital Camera following a field trip, learning to use a scanner and many forms of enhancement of photographs through Adobe Photoshop Elements, Basic and BeyondClasses vary in length and in number of sessions depending on the subject matter.
Classes will begin the week of July 6, 2009 so call quickly!!
To Register, for Rates* or for further Information call (718) 475-5200, then
press 8 and then 1182 or use the web
Applicants do not have to be a member of JCC, but members of JCC are entitled to
reduced rates.
*Scholarships are available
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