Green Jobs/Green New York Act (photo by Barbara Roux from the 2008 Environmental photo Contest)

Carl L Marcellino

October 14, 2009

The Green Jobs/Green New York Act, was signed into law establishing a program that will create green jobs and stimulate investment in weatherization and energy efficiency improvements for residential and commercial buildings. The program will be implemented by NYSERDA in the Spring of 2010 and will  establish a revolving loan program to provide up to $13,000 for residential homes and $26,000 for businesses to weatherize homes, businesses and not-for-profits for increased energy efficiency .

 NYSERDA will use a portion of $112 million from the auction of carbon emission credits through the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) for the seed money  that will be used to leverage private investment funds. Its  goal is to make 1,000,000 homes, businesses, and not-for-profits in New York more energy efficient while creating thousands of new green jobs and training the workers to fill them by.

To register for future program announcements  or for more information on the program you can visit

 To find the State’s local training programs and green job opportunities visit


This program is just one step to renewing revitalizing and rejuvenating  our economy and safeguarding  our environment.