Senator Marcellino Discusses Program to Expedite Cleanup of Superfunds

Carl L Marcellino

October 2, 2009

Senator Marcellino today joined with other  experts to discuss the benefits of allowing New York State Class 2 Superfund sites into a voluntary brownfield program.  Each panelist provided their view on the issue and the concerns that need to be addressed to prevent abuses of the system while also concentrating on a model that best cleans up contaminated sites for redevelopment. The event was hosted by Sustainable Long Island.

“We need to get these urban eyesores back on the tax rolls and make them community assets rather than letting them eat away at the heart of our cities, towns and villages like a cancer. By working together we can set in motion a policy to encourage redevelopment and stimulate both environmental and economic benefits and growth,” said Senator Marcellino

“We are excited to lead this discussion and take a closer look at how to expedite the redevelopment of contaminated properties in our region.  Nassau and Suffolk have the greatest concentration of Class 2 State Superfund sites in the state and the current programs have been slow to promote the clean-up and redevelopment of these sites,” said Sarah Lansdale, Executive Director of Sustainable Long Island.