Senator Fuschillo Announces State Funding to Aid Victims of Sexual Abuse
Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.
August 20, 2009
- Victims
State Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (8th Senate District) announced that the State Senate recently passed a resolution which included $5,000 in state funding for Parent’s For Megan’s Law and the Crime Victims Center.
The funding will help offset the costs of programs which provide comprehensive services to child and adult victims of sexual assault and their families. The programs also offer these services to victims of other violent crimes.
“Senator Fuschillo’s ongoing support and commitment to the provision of services to child and adult victims and to crime prevention in New York state is greatly appreciated. With the provision of comprehensive support services we can reduce the impact crime has on victims, reduce the potential for re-victimization and increase potential for participation in the criminal justice process,” said Laura Ahearn, Executive Director of Parent’s For Megan’s Law.
The resolution is now before the State Assembly for approval.