Low-Ball Politics Coming to Your Home
Dale M. Volker
June 17, 2009
(ALBANY, NY) It’s a sad statement, but one that cannot be ignored…. Many folks in the 59th Senate District (parts of Erie, Livingston, and Ontario Counties and all of Wyoming County) will be receiving ROBO CALLS from a professional New York City radical group at the direction of the New York State Senate Democratic Campaign Committee. ROBO CALLS are electronically generated phone messages that are aimed at specific households.
As usual, desperate people do desperate things in order to get their way, and the State Senate Democrats have taken this viewpoint to heart. Last week, two State Senators from the Senate Democratic Conference rejected their own party and decided to come and join the Senate Republican Conference. The reason—no reforms were being implemented to improve the Senate and bills under serious consideration that would have decimated upstate/western New York were going to be forced onto the floor for a vote.
These two Senate Democratic Senators decided to vote for new leadership in the State Senate, and put Senator Dean Skelos, a Republican, back as Majority Leader of the New York State Senate.
Since this change in leadership, the State Senate Democrats have gone on a character assassination campaign against these two Democratic State Senators and all senate members who are part of the new Senate Reform Coalition. This personal attack on me and my fellow members in our new Senate Reform Coalition is shameless, purely political and sad.
Instead of working together to get the peoples’ business done in the State Senate, we are witnessing a poor attempt by supporters of the New York City Senate Democrats to regain power at any cost. Facts do not matter, integrity does not matter, and responsible government does not matter.
There are many important issues facing our state. Instead of political espionage and political bickering, I urge the State Senate Democrats to get back to the negotiating table so that we can together pass bills that protect our taxpayers, allow for job creation, and keep our families and communities safe. This is not the time to play politics with so much at stake.