Statement by Senate Republican Leader Dean Skelos

Dean G. Skelos

November 12, 2009

    The taxpayers of New York delivered a strong message last Tuesday that they are sick and tired of out of control government spending and the high taxes and fees that pay for it.  Families have had to sacrifice and cut back, businesses have had to lay off employees, people across the state are struggling to make ends meet.

    Unfortunately, by failing to cut government spending it is clear that Senate Democrats and other Democrat leaders haven’t gotten the message.

    While the Democrats were able to agree on a budget that increased spending to unsustainable levels, they have not been able to agree on a plan to close the deficit created by their disastrous budget.

    The taxpayers expect us to make tough decisions to cut state spending and balance the budget, just like they have to do every day.  Senate Republicans came to Albany ready to cut state spending now and cap it in the future.  As we wait for an agreement, the deficit grows larger and so does the anger and frustration of the taxpayers.