Applications For the New York Prescription $aver Discount Card Now Being Accepted
George Onorato
May 7, 2009
FOR RELEASE: May 7, 2009
CONTACT: Janet K. Kash (518)455-3486 kash@senate.state.ny.us
Prescription Drug Savings Card Offers Discounts on Medications for Low- and Moderate Income New Yorkers Aged 50 to 64 and for Disabled Persons of Any Age
State Senator George Onorato (D-Queens) today urged constituents who are having trouble affording expensive medications to look into a new prescription drug discount card that is now being offered by New York State.
“This new discount card, together with the State’s highly successful Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (EPIC) program, offers people who are having trouble paying for expensive medications a chance to save as much as 60 percent on generic drugs and 30 percent on brand name drugs at local pharmacies,” he said. “In this day and age, when everything seems to be more expensive, these savings could be very important in helping people make ends meet and safeguard their health.”
New Yorkers who may be eligible to participate in the savings program are those who are aged 50 to 64, who are not already receiving Medicaid, and whose incomes do not exceed $35,000 annually if single, and $50,000 if married. Persons who have been determined as disabled by the Social Security Administration are also eligible to join, regardless of age.
Those interested in learning more about the program may call the New York Prescription $aver Card Helpline at 1-800-788-6917 or may visit the program’s website and download applications at http://nyprescriptionsaver.fhsc.com Applications for the program are also available by e-mailing Janet Kash of the Senator’s staff at kash@senate.state.ny.us or by calling 1-718-545-9706 and asking for extension 7907 in Albany.