In Rememberance of 9/11
John J. Flanagan
September 11, 2009
Eight years ago today, our entire nation suffered a tremendous loss. Collectively, our country, our state and our community joined together to fight through the heartache and uncertainty that followed that fateful day.
In the days following September 11th, we joined together to comfort the families and friends who lost a loved one and to provide the support first responders needed to do their jobs. And together we grieved as a nation and a state.
Today, we join together to remember those who were lost and to let those who still suffer know they are not forgotten. We also come together as a nation to remind ourselves that we remain united as one in the American spirit.
It is my hope that we take some time today to remember those who perished and their families and friends as we mark the anniversary of this solemn day. Fly your American flag, reach out to someone who was personally affected by 9/11, or simply spend a moment of silent reflection.
September 11, 2001 was a day that touched us all and a day we must never forget.