Senator Addabbo Supports Transportation Reform
Senator Joseph P. Addabbo
Supports Transportation Reform
Albany, NY- State Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr. ( D-Queens) today announced the passage of two pieces of important legislation in the Senate Transportation committee. The first will require commercial operators to use safeguards that will prevent loose substances from becoming dislodged or detached during transport, which will reduce the amount of debris on public roads caused by such motor vehicles.
“Many unfortunate incidents have occurred due to debris on the road that is dropped from commercial vehicles,” Senator Addabbo stated . “ It is necessary to require that all commercial operators abide by these regulations, because there is an excessive amount o f material transported by these vehicles on New York public highways and roads daily. This legislation will prevent potential harm to individuals and damage to property.”
Additionally, the Senator voted in favor of a bill which will mandate that potential drivers be advised about the restrictions of parking in handicapped parking spaces. “This legislation will require that handicap parking space awareness be taught in addition to the drug and alcoholism education administered during driving instruction courses. It is extremely important for drivers to be aware of these handicap accessible parking restrictions. Amending the vehicle and traffic law will ensure that disabled drivers have priority parking, because now we will mandate the education of our drivers on this law. As a member of the Senate Transportation committee, I will continue to support legislation that seeks to further protect the safety of our state citizens and the rights of the disabled” Senator Addabbo concluded.