Senator Lavalle Receives Honorary Doctor of Laws

Kenneth P. LaValle

June 9, 2009

PHOTO – courtesy of St. John’s University of Law                                             

(l-r) Reverend Donald J. Harrington, C.M., President St. John’s University with Senator LaValle

Senator Kenneth P. LaValle was privileged to receive an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from St. John’s University of Law on June 7, 2009.  The degree was conferred upon Senator LaValle in recognition of his leadership in serving the cause of higher education.

Senator LaValle served as Chairman of the Senate Higher Education Committee for 30 years and is currently the Ranking Republican member of the Committee.  In his role as chairman, he played a key role in shaping New York State’s higher education policy.  St. John’s University of Law commended Senator LaValle for his successes in higher education including the landmark Truth in Testing law, the College Tax Deduction and College Savings programs, and the linking of education and business, which has helped spawn high tech industries statewide.  Senator LaValle was also recognized for his work in advancing the Centers of Advanced Technology, the High Technology Business Incubator Program, and Jobs 2000 which established the New York State Office of Science, Technology and Academic Research (NYSTAR).

“It is with great pride and sincere appreciation that I accept the Doctor of Laws degree, honoris causa, from the University of St. John’s Law School,” said Senator LaValle.  “It is indeed a privilege to receive this distinguished honor from such an outstanding and renowned university.  I wish the 2009 graduating class much success and a prosperous future.”