Community Organization Partners WITH Calvary Hospital to Raise Money to Restore Patio Garden in Rosemarie O’keefe’s Name

Martin J. Golden

November 25, 2009

Brooklyn - The Alliance of Bay Ridge Block Associations is announcing a partnership formed with Calvary Hospital and the Calvary Fund, to raise money to restore and enhance the patio garden in the name of the late Rosemarie O’Keefe, Commissioner of the Mayor’s Community Assistance Unit under Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani.


In a letter, the Alliance wrote, “On July 17, 2009, Bay Ridge lost one of its most dynamic and dedicated leaders, Rosemarie O’Keefe. We, as past members of the Alliance of Bay Ridge Block Associations, invite you to join us in honoring her memory...Rosemarie O’Keefe started as Bay Ridge’s special treasure and became a gift to all of New York City.”


“As you may know, Rosemarie was a lover of beautiful homes and gardens. In fact, her home was a celebrated feature of the Alliance house tours- one of her favorite Bay Ridge events, and one she so energetically organized...”


At the end of her life, Rosemarie chose to be cared for at the Calvary Hospital Brooklyn Satellite at Lutheran Medical Center. This 25-bed “hospital within a hospital” provides critically needed end-of-life care for patients and families. The patio garden is one of the most used locations in the unit with its comfortable outdoor seating and peaceful atmosphere, but after eight years, is in need of new furniture, flowers and plants. Upon the completion of the project, the garden will be dedicated as a lasting memorial to Rosemarie O’Keefe.


Those wishing to donate should make checks payable to: Calvary Fund, Inc. (Memo: The Rosemarie O’Keefe Fund). Donations should be sent directly to:


Mr. Vincent J. Spinelli, Executive Vice President

Calvary Fund of Calvary Hospital

1740 Eastchester Road

Bronx, New York 10461


Credit card donations are also being accepted by calling the Calvary Fund at (718) 518-2077 and note the donation is for The Rosemarie O’Keefe Fund.